Edith Roller – August 18, 1976 – Wednesday

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Mabs and I got up early, about 7.00, and sat drinking Sanka and talking when Edna and Dor got up.

Eddie took the dogs for a walk,

She made coffee cake for breakfast.

We packed and got ready for going to Dillon.  We talked so much that we were very slow and didn’t get away until 1.30.

We had called my Aunt Josie and told her we would be coming.  Ben and Florence came from Fort Collins and we phoned Laura in Pueblo. She drove up directly.

We stopped in Idaho Springs.  Mabs and I had a hamburger and  root beer.

Just out of Idaho Springs, rain began to fall heavily and we pulled to the side of the road as Edna could not see the road very well.

A tunnel has been dug under Loveland Pass because of the numerous skiers who go across the Divide on weekend.  It saves a good deal of time, but one misses some of the scenery.

We arrived in Dillon about 3.30.  They had expected us much sooner and were worried.  Ben had taken Laura sightseeing.  With Josie driving, we all followed them.  We first went to see the site of “the ranch” which my grandfather and then my Uncle Earl owned and where we had spent some of our summers as children.  Part of the land is flooded.  The ranch house burned down several years ago.  The old barn and tool house are still standing and are still in use.  Condominiums and other tourist housing have been built in other places.  The whole area has had a tremendous growth in population. The lake created by the dam built by the Denver water district is used for recreational purposes and the water goes to Denver.

We then went to Keystone to see more condominiums and a fancy hotel built to accommodate skiers and summer tourists.  We had met Ben and Laura on the way.

Ben is now 67 but seems to be enjoying life, though her had a stroke 2 years ago.  He is retired from the Forest Service.  Florence had a gall bladder attack last year.  Our cousin, Laura, is a home economics teacher, is married to Dolph Chaney, who … [Edith refers to a continuation not found] … they have six children.

Josie spends the summers in Dillon and the winters in Mesa, Arizona.  She seems the same as ever, very mild-tempered and agreeable.  Florence also is much the same, very critical, especially of people’s housekeeping.

For dinner we had streaks, an eggplant dish, green beans and cake.  We discussed politics and gave and received information on all the children and other relatives.  Dor was quite volatile in her beliefs.  News of Paul, Miranda and Matthew was given.

Ben and Florence’s daughter Robinette is married and they have one child by her husband X.  Their son Don was teaching in Hayward but he didn’t like the conditions and ___ ___ California.  _____

Ben is concerned about environmental issues but is conservative on the subject of the economy in government, prejudiced against welfare recipients, racial relations.  Florence was even more narrow-minded on the racial question.

One of Laura’s daughters is in Australia as an exchange teacher.  The youngest is going to school there.  One daughter has an operatic quality voice and is a radio announcer.  One married a Mexican.  Laura was quite broad-minded on this matter.

Larry, Josie’s oldest son, a veterinarian is teaching veterinary medicine at the university in Stillwater, Oklahoma.  Alan is a veterinarian in Aurora, Colorado and Robert is working on water research in Tempe, Arizona.

We watched part of the Republican National Convention on TV.  Josie has a big color set.  We did not wait for the vote but it seemed obvious Ford would be nominated.  Ben is a supporter of Reagan.

We went to bed about 11.00. We four slept downstairs.