Edith Roller – May 1, 1978 – Monday

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After breakfast I went to the school office and copied the news from lists prepared for teachers by Bea Orsot. Inez Wagner had told me about them.

Worked a little on my journal. I had gotten behind the last few days. I am not up to date yet.

Had lunch.

Met with the adult class, a large group concerned with passing the second news events test and many are afraid they failed the last one. I tried to show them the line-up of socialist vs. capitalist / fascist countries in Africa and South and Central America.

Took a shower.

Prepared for my afternoon class (I expected to observe Shirley Robinson in class she shares with Tropp). I was concerned about the talk Tropp was to have with the intermediate class and what discussions would be made about my teaching relationship with class members and so on.

The first period I spent on news events and let Billy Jones write at the board items given by the others. Some participated. Others read other books or started vacantly but did not give any trouble.

I had not thought of the class switch each week between Jann and me. Tropp told me to take the Advanced class. He and Jann counseled the intermediate group. I gave the advanced group the breakdown of socialist / fascist alignment in the world. Attention was good.

Got my dinner. Jann, Dick and I met in the school tent. Tropp got the usual reports from Jann and me then Jann suggested the results of the session with the intermediate group be given to me and she started. The way I presented material came in for some criticism. My impatience was mentioned. They had brought up to my detriment the episode involving moving the benches. However criticism seems to have been muted. Tropp frowned on Jann’s using news items as such in so many sessions though the political and social events of the world could and should be the basis for teaching many skills. He also was quite open to variations in our class procedure.

I went to the bakery and got my treat, peanut butter fudge. Went home and read a few minutes and ate my candy.

I went to the women’s meeting at 8.00.

Women’s Meeting
Liane Harris presided, Marcy took a prominent part. Marcy pointed out that some younger people were sitting while older people were standing. Names were taken of those who are willing to spend some time with a child. Supervisors and parents who needed some help with children in their case were asked to raise their hands.

Ellen Klingman charged with neglecting April when she was supposed to be with her. Ellen says she is reading a book now on relating to children.  A number of instances of Ellen’s neglecting April. Ellen was evasive. Marcy insisted that Ellen pick April up on time or get some one to do it for her. Carolyn Looman says Ellen’s boys need her attention too. Kim Fye will pick up April when necessary. Ellen is to help with William’s and Che’s (Todd’s) school work.

Jo Ann  (mother) neglecting Richard Jackson, doesn’t pick him up. Anitra Green (his sister) said in front of him that she didn’t have time to take care of him, Marcy said some mothers given children are responsive to older children, Marcy asked her if she wanted to keep Richard. If not someone else would take him and give him the love he needs.

Marcia Simon on floor. She worked special care unit for a long time and her child felt rejected. She is still not picking her up: Camille, her child. Marcy says they’ve been through this before, talking about her aliments, one specific fault.

Comments on people on the floor last time. Vernetta wanted to know if Judy had stopped passing by Joe William’s cottage. Judy says Jason Gieg’s ill and sent for her. Joe could have taken Jason in.

Woman (Yvonne) treated badly by Ronnie Sines conflict between her and Ronnie. She accuses Penny of spying on her. Decision they have right to be together as long as he is treating her right. No comments on Tanya or Stephanie.

Sanitary napkins: two types were displayed. Have to be washed. Leaving them open believed to be more sanitary.

Those who were on the floor in previous meetings were asked to come up and make statements talking about how they feel now.

Janet Lenin on the way home from the piggery collapsed from what may have been heat exhaustion. Mary Wotherspoon and others carried her but probably would not have been successful in bringing her in, in time. The tractors happened to come by, turned around and took her to the medical office. She is going to be all right.

I got home at 10:00 after the meeting. I read The Man Who Cried I Am until I went to bed at 11.00.