“A Church Gives $4400 To the Press.” San Francisco Chronicle, January 17, 1973. Transcription || PDF || Annotation
Twelve newspapers – among them The Chronicle – and a newsmagazine and a television station have been awarded grants totaling $4400 by Peoples Temple Christian Church of the Disciples of Christ for us “In the defense of a free press.”
Announcement of the grants was made yesterday in Ukiah, Modesto county, by the board of trustees of the church, which has a nationwide membership of more than 7000.
Speaking for the board, trustee James K. Pugh said: “We believe the American way of life is being threatened by the recent jailings of new reporters for refusing to reveal their sources.
“As a church, we feel a responsibility to defend the free speech [XXXXX] of the First Amendment, for whether [XX] American will have lost freedom of expression and the alternative will become ripe for totalitarianism.”
Pugh said the church’s founder, the Rev. Jim Jones had “publicly commended’. The Chronicle and its “fine editorial staff” for taking a strong editorial position in defense of the First Amendment and for “the high quality of the newspaper.”
The San Francisco Chronicle has shown itself to the fair, bold comprehensive and congregations in contributing money [XXXXX] [XXXX] on.” Trustee Pugh said.
Called less formally Peoples Temples, the church is well known and highly regarded for the social works which include [XXXXXXXXXX] and finding senior citizens and medical convalescence. Maintaining a home for retarded boys, rehabilitating youthful drug users and assisting non – members as well as members of the faith through college and logical difficulties.
In accepting the grace in behalf of The Chronicle. Charles de Young Thieriot, editor, and publisher, expressed his thanks to the Peoples Temple Christian Church.
Thieriot said the p[XXX] awarded to The Chronicle would be turned over to Sigma Delta Chi, the professional journalistic society, which is active in defense of freedom of the press.