Edith Roller – May 3, 1978 – Wednesday

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Spent a most frustrating and tiring day.

After breakfast during the morning, I had to make two extra trips to and from the central area. The first time to turn in to Terri Buford in the radio room a social security card given to me by a senior.

I wrote a note to Jim making a suggestion on his medical care. Later I wrote another note asking to be considered for reading the news and other material (in the rally last night it had been suggested that someone who reads well could help save Jim’s voice by helping with this on the p.a. system. He said he would consent to having try-outs.)

Did a little work on my journal.

I went to lunch.

The adult class came to hear news items explained, was overflowing. When I arrived I found some had organized as much as they could. I got books out for people to write on and started the roll around. The class went well.

I took a shower.

I prepared for my class.

At 3.00 I had an appointment with Shanda James Oliver to have my teeth cleaned. She took me to the guest cottage which is near Marcy’s cottage and some of the medical units. The dental chair was there as the dentist who was here on the weekend had used the cottage. Shanda examined my teeth, found them and the gums in good condition, though they are receding, she showed me how to massage them. She could not clean them as an electric cord she needed was either broken or missing. She has to wait on the electricians to supply her with one. I’ll have to have another appointment when she gets it.

I went up to the pavilion to wait for my first period class. We had had some rain and there was an atmosphere of unrest. I had expected great seriousness after tonight’s announcement on Jim’s health and last night’s news on attempts to kill Jim. There was not the usual announcement about the start of classes as Jim was reading more from Chile’s Prisoners of War.

Some of the members of the first class gathered. I went to the school office to get the composition book. My pencils were all missing when I got back.  I had planned to give the class practice in writing news events. I had to have them recite, the performance was disappointing. Kenny Reed and Ronnie Dennis had been working on the boat and came in late as did Willie who had been in a conference with Marcy.

Tropp said I was late starting the class.

The second period class came in noisy, their restlessness increased as they realized they had to do written work. There was a mix-up of the composition books. I had some of Jann’s. I did not find Julie Guevara’s at all. She also could not find a pencil. I borrowed one from Jann. I gave the class a choice of two items on which to write and they finally got down to work but most of them will need another day.

Jann and I reported our absences to Tropp. He wanted to have a teacher’s meeting but we persuaded him not to as the political enlightenment teachers had to meet at 7:00.

I went to the cottage and got my political enlightenment folder and reported to the meeting. Several teachers and co-teachers were absent including Jann.

We drafted the tests for the seniors and those under 65. We made the tests harder than last time, giving each group ten questions with a short answer, five essay questions, and five review questions form the last test. Mike Touchette and Rob Christian conducted the meeting which was disorderly with people speaking at the same time

Mike said Jim had stated we would have the special class for those who failed the first test immediately after the second test, though some felt it was a bad time for seniors to have to think. No other time is available.  Those who have to take the second class are to be divided into groups and volunteers were asked to teach the groups. I was relieved I did not have to teach them all although Teresa King thought it would be better if I did. I was also glad that at the moment at least it seems there will be only one session to have to teach those groups in a special session every week.

I was the first to volunteer. The final decision was that all teachers who did not have another appointment would take a special group.

I got home after this meeting about 10.15.

I read The Man Who Cried I Am about half an hour.

Inez was not home. Versie had gone to the library to study for tomorrow’s test. Ann Edwards and Anitra Greene had just started reviewing for the test and did not turn out the light at 11.00. I finally requested them to do so, telling them I had had a very bad day and faced another one. They continued to talk and argued when I told them to stop. They could have studied in the library or dining room. I started to cry. I think they went out. I got up and went to the bathroom. I saw Eleanor Beam making her security rounds. I did not mention Ann and Anitra to her but did speak to her about the noise after 11.00. She is very loud herself.

I went to sleep some time after 12.00.