Port Kaituma, N.W.D., Guyana
Page 1 General Summary
4 Development Schedule
6 Farm Organizational Structure
Organizational Chart
8 Financial Projection Through Phase One
10 Equipment Schedule
Land Clearing and Utilization Charts
Farm Plan Map
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This project plan is intended to modify and supplement the plan heretofore submitted. It covers the first ten year program proposed by applicant for the development of the 25,000 (more or less) acres described in the map on file. All areas situated at 60 foot contour and below will not be used due to risk of flooding. All lands have a gradient of 15 degrees or more will not be used due to erosion problems. These areas will be left as “greenbelts,” as will lands for 150 feet on either side of streams. By this means it is hoped that climate, surface water and other ecological factors will not be adversely affected by extensive land clearing. Thus it is estimated that only 50% of the total land will be used for agriculture, the remainder retaining its natural state.
Site development has begun with the construction of a road along the east-west ridge which forms the backbone of the leasehold. This same ridge forms the divide for watershed between the Barima and Kaituma rivers. The road extends for three miles into the center of the proposed lease area. One half mile off of the ridge, an irregularly shaped 60 acre area is being developed as a town site. Here will be constructed housing, a large all purpose community building (dining, church, meeting, recreation, etc.), administrative offices, laundry, cold storage, infirmary (cottage hospital), barns, repair sheds, dairy, pig and poultry houses, wood and metal shops, eater and fuel storage facilities, and electrical generating plant, and sewage treatment and disposal plant.
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Agriculture and livestock development began last Autumn with the clearing of approximately 110 acres. The fall was very wet so that we did not obtain a good burn, but we did plant over 60 acres. Most of the planting materials needed for future production are now growing on the farm. At the conclusion of the Spring planting season over 180 acres will be planted, including 60 acres designated for pasture. The basic agriculture development will be expanded at the rate of 300 acres per year, weather and labor supply permitting.
Pig rearing will begin in the Spring of 1975 with two boars and 20 brood sows. The plan is to expand the total population to 300 animals in 18-20 months. This would permit an ongoing monthly production of 5,500 lb. live weight. All animal feeds will be raised on the farm, and only vitamin and medicinal supplements will be imported.
The dairy herd will be introduced in the summer or early fall of 1975 as soon as pasture is sufficiently developed to accommodate the animals. We will use legumes, sugar cane, corn and provisions as food supplements. Our present plan is to acquire local dairy cattle and to upgrade the herd by selective breeding techniques, though we do intend to expand the initial herd to 50 cows by purchase. From the fresh milk produced by the cows, dried milk and butter will be produced. Later, a beef cattle herd will be developed from the culls of the dairy cattle, and bred toward a beef line.
Land clearing has commenced as indicated above. As much acreage will be cleared as weather and utilization permit. Our benchmark is 300 acres per year. Hand labor is being used to clear, and only areas to be ultimately devoted to tree or row crops are subsequently winrowed by bulldozer. We hope to utilize techniques which will reduce the use of machinery to a minimum.
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We will strive to fell and burn a maximum amount of land, but will defer the stumping and winrowing processes. We will use the newly burned land for catch crops, then for pasture over several years until much of the remaining wood has rotted.
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Preliminary – January 1, 1974 to August 1, 1974. In this period the following events took place: site location, preliminary planning, leasehold application, commencement of incorporation procedure, arrangement for housing for the first workers group, procuring initial equipment, initial clearing, survey and road building.
Phase One – August 1, 1974 to March 1, 1976. Toward the beginning of this period the work force will be brought up to about thirty persons to be increased gradually thereafter according to our capability of absorbing them into the project, and the work load. All of the basic machinery and equipment will be brought in. (See schedule of machinery and equipment.) Of the facilities described in the Summary, all will be constructed except for 40% of the housing. Agriculture will be carried out as indicated in the land clearing and utilization charts. Much of the clearing and planting at this stage will be done with contract labor.
Phase Two – March 1, 1976 to September 1, 1977. The remaining housing will be built and over this period of 18 months additional people will come. Many of these will be the wives of children of the workers who came previously. Some will be professionals and semi-professional persons such as nurses and school teachers, as well as persons skilled in agriculture. Additional lands will be cleared and utilized as set out in the charts. A reservoir will be built as shown on the map and an irrigation system developed. During this period the food processing plants will be completed: including: butter and dried milk plants; small cassava starch and cassareep manufacturing plant; and animal food production plant.
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Phase Three and Subsequent – September, 1977 and thereafter. The basic farm plan will be expanded in those areas which have proved successful. Land will be cleared as fast as weather, available labor, and utilization will permit. The basic population of the town will be expanded primarily by the inclusion of those Guyanese persons who choose to join the community and are willing to participate with respect to its goals, lifestyle, and economic structure. Social and educational programs will be developed and integrated with those of the local community, including a school and sports center. We hope to build a small hospital or a nice size clinic and will do so unless here are economic limitations.
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The farm will be operated by a five person committee which will serve as the executive head of the farm operation. The members will be as follows:
CHAIRMAN, Eugene Chaikin, Trustee of the Church, Member of the Project Head Committee of Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission in Guyana, Member of the Board of Trustees of Peoples Temple Christian Church. Mr. Chaikin has 5 years Supervisory Administrative Experience, and is admitted to the Bar in Federal Courts and Courts of the State of California, in the U.S.A.
FARM MANAGER, Mr. Ray Jones. Mr. Jones has 20 years of farming experience in the Mid West, U.S.A. Primarily in row crops such as corn, soya beans, etc.
MEMBER, Mr. Jim Bogue. Mr. Bogue has eighteen years experience in the cattle industry both in beef production and in the dairy industry. For eight years he was the general manager of a large dairy herd.
MEMBER, Mr. Tom Grubbs. Mr. Grubbs has 15 years experience in Agriculture, primarily in orchard crops. He has had several years of experience in nursery management with speciality in orange and other citrus.
MEMBER, Mr. Russel Mouton. Mr. Mouton has a college degree in agriculture, with a speciality in Agricultural Economics. He is now taking specialized courses in Tropical Agriculture.
EX OFICIO MEMBER We would like to include as an ex oficio member the local Agricultural Officer, to whom we will look for invaluable local experience.
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The day to day operation of the farm will be under the control of the Farm Manager. Each of the principal sectors will be supervised by an Assistant Farm Manager for that sector. They will include:
Assistant Manager for Animal Production, Mr. Jim Bogue, who will be responsible for meat and dairy animals and poultry; Assistant Manager for Orchard Crops, Mr. Tom Grubbs, who will be responsible for orchard crops; Assistant Manager for Row and Garden Crops, initially Mr. Ray Jones, who will be responsible for row crops, vegetable gardening and all “home consumption” agriculture. Each Assistant Manager will have such personnel assigned to him as he may require. Some of the personnel will be church members and some will be local Guyanese who will be employed by the church.
Farm Economics and long term planning will be handled primarily by Mr. Mouton with help from other members of the committee , and in laison with the Manager of the Distribution Section.
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(January 1974, Through February 1976)
The sum of $1,900,000 (calculated at U.S. $1 – G. $2.20) has been spent of is budgeted to be spent on the project through the first phase. Unspent funds are now held in liquid form in U.S. and Canadian Banks. These expenditures will be made, roughly, as follows:
- Land Development
A. Survey 30,000
B. Road 7,000
C. Clear 520 A @ $385 200,200
D. Incorporation Expense 3,000 240,200
- Construction 620,000
- Equipment (See Equipment Schedule)
A. Construction 178,000
B. Farming 113,000
C. Fishing & Transportation 108,500
D. Lumber Mill 96,000
E. Water, Power, & Disposal (Portable) 25,000
F. Maintenance 50,000 570,500
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- Agriculture (370 Acres Planted)
A. Crop & Pasture
1. Tree Crops (170A)
(a) Citrus (20 X 20) 90 A @ $238. 21,420
(b) Coffee 20 A @ $77 (12 X 12) 1,540
(c) Avocado (25 X 25) 60 A @ $200 12,000
2. Pasture 100 A @ $160 16,000
3. Row Crops & Suckers – (Excluded on Basis Sale Price Will Equal Production Costs)
B. Animals
1. 22 Pigs 2,500
2. 10 Cows, 1 Bull 13,500 66,960
5. Household & Medical Expense 180,450
6. Transportation From U.S.A. 123,200
1. Farm Income – Excluded, See 4As above
2. Saw Mill – Cash Receipts ver Disbursements and Reserve for Depreciation
June 1957 through February 1976, 8 mos, at $15,000 per month 120,000
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- Equipment
A. Construction
CAT D6C Bulldozer 88,000
KG Blade 10,000
Case 5BOB 21,000
Blockmaker 9,000
Diesel Storage Tank 2,000
Mixer 2,000
Mobile Drag Line* 16,000
Truck, 5 Yard Dump, 4 wheel Dr.* 16,000
Misc. – Small Equipment 14,000
B. Farming
2 IH 574 Tractors 30,000
1 Plow 2,300
1 Disc. Harrow 1,700
2 Marvel Tree Cutters 5,000
1 Trailer 4,500
1 Post Hole Digger 1,600
1 Planter Fertilizer* 5,500
1 Small Harvester* 9,000
2 Sprayers 1,000
1 Kubota D6000 Tractor 5,500
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1 Kubota Rotary Plow 1,500
1 Kubota Tool Bar Set 500
1 Root Harvester* 4,500
Small Misc. Equipment 400
Processing Equipment
1. Dairy, Butter, dried milk 20,000
2. Cassava 5,000
3. Animal Feed 15,000
72 Trawler 101,000
1 Balahoo* 7,500
D. SAWMILL (Complete & Set up) 65,000
Tractor & Winch 22,000
Sleigh Winch 4,500
Timber Trailer 2,500
Misc. Equipment 2,000
2 Generators 10,000
1 Generator with pump* 7,000
Diesel Composter* 8,000 25,000
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Note: All items not marked with * are now on hand
All items marked with * are scheduled for purchase in 1975