If you came to spend an evening Assemblyman Willie Brown, Lt. Gov Marwyn Dymally, San Francisco’s Mayor George Moscone Police Chief Charles R. Galm, District Attorney Joseph Freitas. [Xxxxx] and his wife and a member of the John Birch Society where do you think you would be? At a political rally right? Wrong. You would be one of the more than 5,000 people who traveled out for a testimonial [xxxxx] San Francisco for Pastor Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple honoring the Fresno Four [xxxx] with the proceeds to go to the church’s many charitable projects.
The whole evening was precipitated by the participation of approximately 1,000 members of the People’s Temple who traveled from Los Angeles, San Francisco and Ukiah churches to protest the continued confinement of the Fresno Bee newsmen in a peaceful demonstration supporting the First Amendment to the Constitution.
“We have seen no greater example of the brotherhood of man,” said James Bert, city editor of the Fresno Bee speaking for himself and the three newsmen, “than was exemplified by Rev. Jones and the members of the multi-racial, later-faith People’s Temple” who came to Fresno in their support.
Mayor George Moscone presented a plaque thanking Jones for ‘his personal support given on many occasions whenever asked” and State Senator Milton Marks presented the pastor with a recognition on behalf of the entire State Senate commending the work of the People’s Temple.
A certificate of honor was also presented Jones by Bob Mandesohn on behalf of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors thanking the church for its many projects “which have been so beneficial to all of the citizens of the Bay Area.”
Claude Worrell, ambassador to the Guyanese embassy in Washington D.C. was present at the head table to thank Jones and the Peoples Temple for their present agricultural mission in is country and Cecil Williams of Glide memorial church was also present to give Jones and the Temple a plaque of appreciation for the Temple’s work in humanitarian ministry.
Perhaps the most poignant accolade came from Lt. Gov. Dymally who commented that “all people can live, work and love together for here was an example of thousands who had come together – blacks, whites, Orientals, the young and the old of all denominations – in a temple, God’s temple.”
The evening, which included outstanding band and vocal entertainment as well as dancing by the Temple’s young people concluded with Jones telling the assemblage that prayer alone wouldn’t do the job – “you have to put legs to your prayers.”
He also introduced and thanked Walter Handy and Dr. and Mrs. Si Boynton of Ukiah for their support, counsel and friendship during many difficult times.