Nov. 13 – Memo from Georgetown Office concerning Ryan’s Visit – Transcript

Transcript || Annotation || RYMUR 89-4286-E-3-A-2(20-21)


BUNNY MANN- called and said the press had applied for entry but tpo late– up to Mingo to decide to give them visasa or not. SF Chronicle-

<the following seven lines are handwritten and crossed out>

    • Get Mingo
    • He refused to talk Ryan- make him turn back
    •             Precise (?) law
    • There are newsmen
    • (illegible) bited against opening further marry
    • Pro-Pinochet
    • Mark Land & Freed — (illegible) 80’s (xxxxxxx) it waste (xxxx)


    US Embassy– the latest on Ryan’s visit is that there might be as many as 10 relatives coming, but there’s no official connection. Dick Dryer told Sharon this. Plus Ryan and a 2 aids who are members of the staff of International Relations Committee…

    — A man we are buying shoes #### from wants to come in and visit Jonestown, and he will pay for a diversion flight to Pt. Kaituma. We could use the flight for ourselves, and send in pork on the plane also. <the following line is handwritten> He said any day we want- Wedneday or after.

    –Tommy Johnson went this morning and got socks and caps out from under warehouse where they were stored and took them down river with him to the store. These were some of the things that we had just brought back in here. Told G-town to get hold of Patti and get the stuff sent back or whatever.

    –Soviets: said we have our own home and we are renting it, and no one can enter unless we invite them. We can’t dictate to Guyana what to do but we can make our appeal stronger on that basis. We should contact Mohammed Shahabadeen. Ann told him that Ryan would see him. He said you should write him a letter and hand deliver it marked urgent. So he could be forewarned. USA feels strongly about private property and Guyana feels the same way they do. He asked who are our best friends. Ann told him Margaret Ackman, etc. They said automatically people can only stay 24 hrs. if they want to interfere with domestic affairs. He stressed that we make a strong appeal about private property — we said that’s what we were doing.

    –They are going to see Mingo at 2 PM, Skip Roberts at 4:00. They should try to see Mohammed Shahabadeen. At 4:45 they’ll see H. Greene. He called himself to confirm the appt. Barnewell called this morning twice, and he said to call back at 2 PM to set up an appt.

    –Mohammed’s secretary said to call back at 1:30. She told him it was very important and she needed to see him today or tomorrow, and she said how about Wd Wed. She said no, it was urgent and she had to see him today or tom tomorrow so she will call at 1:30 today.

    –Cancel Bobby and Tommy’s Dr.’s appts.

    –Lee came on and asked Karen to be extremely warm to Reds. Said Reds want Karen’s approval very badly. He is at practically every practice, and drops by the house most every night. He’s been exceptionally helpful and has gotten our team free physical therapy, has gotten the use of the Sports Hall daily for the team to practice, has gotten games going with the National Team # etc.

    — They need to know abput the fashion show. in Georgetown.

    — They need to knowabout when Claire <this line was crossed out>

    Ronda wants to know if they can show ONE FLEW OVER THE COOKOOS NEST if there is not a rally. JJ said yes.- after the (xxx) classes