Edith Roller – October 4, 1976 – Monday

Transcript | Annotation | PDF from 89-4286-C1-A5-9-11

Up at 6.00.  Encountered some difficulty finding what I needed to get breakfast.  Put up a lunch and dressed, but left the apartment close to 7.30. And I was at work on time.

Dor had dome some more work on her reports over the weekend but was not up to date yet.  Betty needed them for a meeting and was disappointed the Dor did not have last week’s.  She took the rough materials and put Brenda at them which disturbed Dor. Actually Brenda had problems arriving at the necessary information was not through by noon.

Work poured in. All of us were at the machines all day, Dor and Marquita at ATS and I on MagCard.  I put in 6 hours on another deposition in a US vs. Bechtel court case.

Had time to make only a few notes for journal entries.

Jim Mansfield came in at 4.30 with a man from Mining and Metals, Donald Greenfield.  They wanted extensive revisions in the Suez Cement contract , as well as considerable new material.  They inquired whether they could have a print-out in the morning, but Dor was not in a mood to work late.  They later left word that tomorrow morning would be time enough.

After work, I took the bus to the Coop to buy some fruit and a few other things needed.  Had an ice cream cone.  Made a few purchases in the new Coop basic food store.

I had 2 heavy loads and carried them around for some time before I found the bus stop.  Took the No. 19 and got off on Geary.

Prepared and ate leftovers and washed dishes.

Put away kitchen utensils, silver and so forth in the kitchen, trying to get it in order.

Read the newspapers for an hour.

Went to bed at 11.30.