Georgetown Tasks prior to Ryan Visit – Transcript

Transcript || Annotation || RYMUR 89-4286-E-3-A-2(9) || Back to Last Month at Jonestown


_Sherwin Harris called again asking for Lane. He lefta number at the Tower.

_Guyana Chronicle caled the house, asking for Ryan. Seemed to think he was staying with us.

_GAC, xxx will notify us of anyone on that list of creeps shows up on the passenger list.

_Ann talked to Mingo and he will check about Jarvis and see if there are limitations on the others. Ann said we wouldconsider le tting him in on Friday also, but none other.
                                                                     CANCEL THIS.

_Our patients arrived on the GDF flight. Laura went to pick them up.

_Those who went on the plane were: Mike Simon, Bobby Stroud, Miquel DePina and Tommy Beikman.

_Things going in: T-shirt, blue and white short sleeves, jeans, blue and wh[ite] grey, sweat suit, black and white child’s pants, halter top, multi-colored jersey, red, blue, green etc, pj set, black and blue figure on white background, lounging jacket, maroon lavender blue mans, 2 toy racoons, black and white, a skunk, black and white for fashion show.

Mkae sure it all comes back. Sent in brown suitcase with Versie’s name on it.

_Phyllis and Mac on GAC, leaving GT at 1 PM. May have to spend the night in the ridge.

_Ryan has a plane at his disposal for one week.

_Bunny Mann wants a list of people who came in last night. Ans: ok, tell him this is what we were told. He should be given a background profile on Cobb, Steon, and Pietela.

__If Kevin Smith comes back to check generator oil, tell him that Ellihue already did it this morning.

_Should Liane stay in Kamaka since her dad is in there? Sharon wants to know. Kim said to send her home.

_Ask Dr. DeSilva to send eye glass cases out.

_Guyana press is calling the house wanting to know our position and if Ryan is coming in.

_Appts. today are with Bunny Mann and Min. Jackson 2:30 PM.

_Joyce, look into prices of hospitals in Venezuela, it’s impt.

__Should Paula be around Bunny Mann if he meets with any of these people?

Sarah says until she hears otherwise, no. Relayed to G-town.

__Tell Maria when she calls that Christine L. says she needs to tell Clara J. that Christine will be out of school for a few days.

__Clear with Jim — Nedra going alone to Caracus. They will take her, but can’t take the other patients.

_Ruby said the clothes she sent in for the show won’t fit anyone.

__What did Demmerra Radio news have to say:

_Those who came in on the plane are: Wayne P, Sherwin Harris, Olivers, Mick

Touchette, Grace, and Tim Stoen, Jim Cobb, Katsaris and son, Bonnie Burnham, Ryan, Robert Houston Sr. and Carol Boyd, the children’s aunt.

_Relayed message about Ryan to Dyer at US Embassy. He wants to know if some people could meet with Ryan’s aid Mr. Scabbert to talk about the visit out here on Friday. She told him it would have to be a meeting without media or any of the others. Any instructions?

_Ann met a man, Edwin James, from the North Korean Embassy. He’s friends with Min. Durant and the TUC. He said he could get TUC to make a statement of support for PT in regards to this situation with Ryan. He also works for Chilean refugees so he was supportive of us because Ryan supported Pinochet. He said he’d talk to some people for us. Ann gave him a statement.
            ANS TO ANN:   Try to get him to do everything for us.

_Luckhoo called and said Ron Jarves was not allowed to land reporter from Chronicle. I told her to find out why not.

_Johnny called in from the front gate and said he talked to the Sargent at Matthews Ridge and he’s going to have 3 constables at the airstrip in Port Kaituma to tell the people they can’t come to Jonestown when they get off the plane. Kaituma won’t give them any transportation. If they won’t go back on the plane they will have to use other methods. He explained that the people who we didn’t want to come in were from the states. The only person that could come in was the Guyanese Marshall. But if we’re going to have any of the GDF flights out here or let Ryan out on Friday we will have to tell them in advance or otherwise no one gets in.

_Dr. DaSilva doesn’t have to come out. Versie and Mike T. are going in to bargain down the bill. Corlis will send the bill in and figure the bill up again because there was a $100. mistake on Danny Katulas’s glasses.

Mrs. Montoya said there was no doubt that Ryan is a set up. He wasn’t pushy for Emmet. Mr. Nakamura pushed for that now that thery’re here why not make a good thing out jof a bad thing. He was not in favor of Dewey. Ryan was a front to bring Emmet. He didn’t know that all of them were coming. He said to Mr. Peltier he wanted to get the names of the people to him. He felt theere would be a confrontation and wanted GAC and all transportation checked. Mrs. Montoya got got the impression from Mr. Peltier that he didn’t want to do anything about them. Mrs. Montoya said the way he reacted on the phone, Jeanette wasn’t supportive and she thingks they may not be telling him much because of Mrs. Montoya. (because of the smear possibility involving Bunny and Paula) — Paula as agent. Mrs. Montoya got the impression that they were both of them saying this is a goddamn mess that we got xxx ourselves into this. Driscol feels that Ann doesn’t listen to others points of view and isn’t willing to negotiate. Bunnie likes Carolyn better because she at least acknowledges his suggestions. He is irritated with Ann.

Lucy says Ann seemed really upset after she talked with her husband this morning.