Survivor Profile: Madeline Brooks

There is no information on Madeleine Brooks life before Jonestown. 

Madeleine Brooks had been a part of the Peoples Temple since 1971. She moved to Guyana in September of 1977. Mrs. Brooks did not have such a bad time in Guyana. She was not forced into any oaths during her time with Jones. She also was not forced to give money to the Peoples Temple. Instead, she donated $60 a month on her own will. Madeleine Brooks was very aware of the security, medical staff, and basketball team. She did not find any of these groups of people to be an issue. When asked what would you do if this were the last white night she stated, “I would use [a] gun and shoot until I was shot down”.  She also witnessed a miraculous healing during her time in Guyana. Mildred Cunningham did not attend a few services when Jim Jones specifically told her to. A couple days later her husband got in a fight with her and stabbed her in the head. She was hospitalized but did survive which is exactly what Jones predicted. Brooks seemed to enjoy her time with the group.

Madeleine Brooks was living in Georgetown during the tragedy of the Peoples Temple so she stayed safe during the mass suicide. After this tragedy she moved to Washington D.C. with Bea Orsot Grubbs and Linda Mitchell. She passed away in Arizona May 14, 2003. 

Serial 1068-7

C-5 What Would I Do If There Was a Final White Night (9-73)

Who Has Died Since 18 November 1978?

Serial 459

Testimonials on Healings and Miracles – Affidavits

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