Survivor Profile: Grover Davis

Grover Davis or (Lionel Grover Clevland Davis) was a member of Jonestown and was born in Texas, on November 22, 1899. There is no further information on Grover prior to the joining of Peoples Temple. Grover Davis has been a member since October 1978, this is seven years prior to the mass suicide. Grover Davis was an elderly man in Jonestown and was respected by many. He was 79 years old at the time of the event of the mass suicide. He missed the announcement of the mass suicide because he had impaired hearing and hid in a ditch when he realized what was happening. He passed away on January 17, 1993, at age 93.

Serial 1068-4

FF-5 Statements

Index of living individuals in RYMUR documents

Serial 1356

Serial 603

Serial 516

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