The Jonestown settlers were consistently living in a state of alert, ever vigilant to the many threats from outside the community. These threats included the American government, the Concerned Relatives, and disruptions within the Guyanese political climate. If these threats were believed to endanger the community, Jones would call a meeting in the pavilion for the settlers. The following documents were either recorded during one of these intense meetings or were reflections about the experience. This White Night was called on February 16, 1978 during deteriorating political situation in Guyana.
Q641 – annotated text || transcript || mp3 of the tape
Q642 – annotated text || transcript || mp3 of side 1 and side 2
Q643 – annotated text || transcript || mp3 of side 1 and side 2
Q644 – annotated text || transcript || mp3 of the tape
Edith Roller’s diary during the week of February 16, 1978